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AfricaRice wins prestigious

Al-Sumait Prize 2019

The Board of Trustees of the Al-Sumait Prize for African Development named AfricaRice as one of the two winners of the US$1 million Al-Sumait Food Security Prize 2019. 

What's new


28 Member Countries

The only CGIAR Research Center owned by African countries, AfricaRice has today 28 member countries covering all regions of Africa.

6 Africa-wide Task Forces

The thematic task force mechanism is the main vehicle used by AfricaRice to conduct research in partnership with the national agricultural research systems (NARS).

>20,000 Rice Accessions

AfricaRice holds the largest collection of indigenous African rice in the world and the largest rice collection in Africa.

14 Major Awards

AfricaRice and its scientists have won many awards, including the prestigious Al-Sumait Food Security Prize 2019 and the World Food Prize in 2004.

Our Strengths

Mainstreaming cross-cutting issues

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