Gabon delegation visits AfricaRice to strengthen collaboration

Dr Marie Joselle Pélagie Istana, Technical Advisor, Head of Scientific Research, Gabon Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, accompanied by Dr Yonnelle Dea Moukoumbi, Head of CAMES Research and Focal point for KAFACI project in Gabon, visited AfricaRice headquarters in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire on 15 April 2019. The meeting at AfricaRice is part of a series of visits in West Africa by the delegation in connection with the proposed creation of the "National Program for Rice Varietal Improvement and Seed Production" in Gabon. The purpose of these visits is to initiate discussions with various institutions involved in rice research with a view to sharing experience and to enable Gabon to benefit from the lessons learned by these countries in the development of their rice sector. During their visit to Côte d'Ivoire from 15 to 18 April 2019, the Gabonese delegation was received by AfricaRice, CNRA and ADERIZ and made a field visit to the AfricaRice research station in M’bé, near Bouaké.