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AfricaRice and MetaMeta: Tackling Soil Salinity in Senegal's Rice-Based Systems

Rice growing on some areas is saline soil. (Credit: Shutterstock)

On July 9, 2024, Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice) and MetaMeta launched Integrated Soil Salinity Management in rice-based cropping systems in the delta of Senegal River Valley (ISSM4RICE). The project aimed at managing soil salinity in rice-based cropping systems.

Soil salinization is a major challenge in the Senegal River Valley, severely limiting rice yields and threatening the country’s food security. To address this critical issue, AfricaRice and MetaMeta partnered to implement this six-month project. Funded by the Netherlands Food Partnership (NFP) and the Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP), running from July to December 2024 under the Saline Water & Food Systems Partnership.

Building on AfricaRice’s vast expertise, the project promotes cost-effective solutions to combat salinity. It is structured around three key components:

1.       Demonstration & Awareness: Through farmer field schools, the project will showcase integrated salinity management techniques, enabling farmers and extension services to apply adaptive, real-world solutions.

2.       Knowledge Co-Creation: A comprehensive resource will be developed, offering practical insights into effective salinity management technologies tailored to the Senegal River Valley.

3.       Capacity Strengthening: Stakeholders, including farmers and extension agents, will participate in exchange visits and facilitated discussions to enhance learning and collaboration.

The partnership with both organizations, under ISSM4RICE, aims to empower local communities with practical tools to combat soil degradation, boost rice production, and contribute to poverty reduction and food security in Senegal. It also aligns with AfricaRice’s mission to enhance rice productivity while promoting sustainable practices in the region.


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