National Rice Research and Training Center in Ethiopia Inaugurated
Ethiopia gives high importance to rice as an important food security crop. As a testimony to this, the Fogera National Rice Research & Training Centre (FNRRTC) was inaugurated on 15 November 2018 by H.E. Mr. Gedu Andargachew, President of the Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia. H.E. Mr. Daisuke Matsunag, Ambassador of Japan to Ethiopia, delegates from international organizations (JICA, AfricaRice, IRRI, Sasakawa Global 2000, etc.) and various higher officials including H. E. Dr. Kaba Urgessa, State Minister, Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, attended the inauguration. The official inauguration was accompanied by exhibition of rice and other agricultural products and technologies, field day, and the first national conference on rice research and development. The national center encompasses offices, training complexes, meeting halls, library, guest houses, trainee dormitories and researchers’ residences. The construction was financially supported by the cooperation between the government of Japan and the government of Ethiopia. FNRRTC is mandated to serve as a national center of excellence for rice research, training and information & technology outreach for various stakeholders across the rice value chain. Ethiopia is the 26th member state of AfricaRice, which has been recognized as a strong partner for its contribution to the national center’s research agenda through collaborative projects and Rice Task Forces.